Take a look at this Flickr group… don’t tell me that doesn’t make you instantly want to make one of these scarves! I originally loved this scarf when I saw it in my Last Minute Knitted Gifts book, but the original picture never moved me quite as much as the gorgeous versions I’ve seen popping up all over.
I couldn’t really justify buying the Koigu or Socks that Rock yarn for the scarf, since my yarn stash is already huge (with more on the way), so I decided to dye up some of the KnitPicks Bare fingering weight superwash yarn I’ve had just sitting around for months. I’ve had the intention to dye it for a long time. I have some fiber reactive dyes, but because they are toxic and I have Camdyn running around all the time, I don’t want to try it until I know I can have uninterrupted time. I had bad luck with Kool-Aid dyeing before, so instead I opted to use Easter egg dye kit tablets, and it worked great! I’m not going post all the pictures on this post—you can see them all and the process in the tutorial I posted, but I definitely ended up with some pretty sock yarns!
I tried a few different combos, before deciding on using the top yarn and the third yarn down for my scarf. This is going to be one cheerful and colorful scarf! I'd love to try a more neutral earthy version too. I love how the pattern is easy enough that I can do it while watching t.v. So far this looks like it will be a nice weight scarf. It's very light so I think it's going to be a nice scarf when Fall comes around here in Las Vegas, though I guess we have to get through the summer first...