I have been working away on my Clapotis, but haven’t spent nearly as much time on it in the past few days as I would have liked. I have almost completed the 9th repeat in Section 3, and it is really growing! It has gotten a lot harder to photograph too, so I will apologize for the pictures. It is becoming a little harder to get the colors to match up when have to attach a new ball. Both Alice and I are thinking of ordering another ball to make it a bit longer. If I decide not to get another ball, I am planning on being done with Section 3 tomorrow, and then it is all down hill from there! I am really happy with how it is turning out, and I didn’t expect that I would love the wrong side of it so much… I almost like it better than the right side!
Alice is still a bit ahead of me, she has completed 10 straight repeats. I am catching up to her though! She hopes to be done with 13 straight repeats later today, and then will decide about adding that extra ball. I think that it is amazing how different her Clapotis looks from mine, but I think that both of them are beautiful! I have already decided that I am going to make a Clapotis for somebody for Christmas, but I think I may use Brook’s Farm Four Play. We’ll see that is still quite a ways away… I can’t believe I am already thinking about Christmas knitting!!
Also I got a heads up that there were several other books on Amazon that were cheap cheap so I went bargain hunting. It turns out that the Knitting Nature/Last Minute Knitted Gifts set went back up in price but Stitch n’ Bitch Nation ($3.19), Knit 2 Together ($5.50), and Knitting for Peace ($3.99) are really marked down. I have Stitch n’ Bitch and Knit 2 Together and they’re definitely worth that price, but I don’t really know anything about Knitting for Peace. Greetings from Knit Café was on sale for $5.50 when I checked earlier, but it has now gone back up in price. You might want to keep your eye on that one because it may go back down. Good luck bargain hunting, and if you find any other great deals let me know! ;)