Today was the official start of the mini Clapotis knitalong… granted only Alice and I are participating so far, but that still counts as a knitalong right? We decided this morning that we were going to try to get the second section done, and I am currently about half way there. The rows just keep getting longer and longer, but like everyone said, the pattern is easy! Both Alice and I are twisting the stitches on both sides of the dropped stitch, and on both the knit and purl sides of the work. Also instead of placing markers we’re just purling (and knitting on the WS of the work) to mark the stitch that will be dropped. It is a fairly slow going process but a good project to do while watching TV.

Both Alice and I are using Noro Silk Garden, in fact we got it at the same time. I am using color #228, which is varying shades of green, blues, as well as some fuchsia and orange mixed in. I wound my skeins into cakes last night, and came across 3 knots. I can deal with 3 knots in 7 skeins, and it’s much better than SWTC Karaoke with 3 knots in one skein! I am also loving how it is knitting up. The texture is really interesting, because it isn’t a completely consistent thickness. There are also little silk threads spun into this yarn, which kind of pop out of the fabric. I also love to watch the colors change, and it makes this simple and mindless pattern compelling to knit.
I don’t know why I had some anxiety about starting this pattern, maybe it was because almost everyone has made one and I was afraid that mine might just not turn out. I am really pleased with how it is looking so far, and I can’t wait to get into the next section!