This is what I did yesterday afternoon. I finally spun some of the wool I got off ebay. I figured this place was starting to get a little too crowded with roving, and I needed a break from knitting anyways. I love the colors in this, and the way it spun up was totally surprising to me (probably just because I am a noob though). The yarn alternates between candy striped deep purple, orange, and turquoise sections, and predominantly turquoise or purple sections. It is actually a self striping yarn, because each of the sections are pretty much the same length. I could hardly put my spindle down because spinning this was so much fun! Working with exciting colors definitely makes spinning more satisfying…
I spun this on my Ashford top whorl drop spindle until it was overloaded with yarn and couldn’t hold anymore. I wound it onto my swift so I could prepare it for setting the twist and skeining. I don’t have a niddy-noddy, but this works just fine. The swift makes it really easy to measure yardage too because you just count the number of wraps and the circumference. I ended up spinning 163 yds, which is by far my longest skein so far. I still have half of the roving left too! I will probably spin the rest of that up tonight then set the twist on both of them together. I spun it to be mostly worsted weight, but it varies between heavy worsted and light worsted. This is by far my favorite yarn that I have spun so far!
Does anyone have any good advice on how to set the twist for single plied yarns? Do you do it under tension, and if so how? I am a little lost at this step, and I really don’t want to mess this one up!!