For the last week I’ve been trying to get my Christmas knitting back on track. I can be so hard to get back in the groove after you haven’t knit for a week! Hopefully I am not too behind, but I think that I can still get everything I have planned done. Earlier this week I started on something for my baby niece Jojo, and today I finally finished it and got all the ends woven in. I just blocked it, and it is drying now. I don’t want to tell or show you what it is just yet because it wouldn’t be that exciting once I post finished photos of it. Plus I need to make sure that my sister won’t be checking the site so it won’t ruin the surprise! For now I will leave you with a photo of it soaking. I am sure some of you can guess what it is!
I will tell you what the second thing I am making for my niece is though. Today I started a baby sized Shedir using Knit Picks Merino Style. I am using the modifications provided by Anny at Something From Nothing. So far you can’t really see how it is turning out since I’ve only done a few rows of the cable pattern. I can tell it is going to be cute though! So far it’s been really easy to get the hang of and I hope the rest of it goes as quickly as the first few rows have. Sorry I don’t have much to show you. I promise I will pick up the pace!
One last thing… Lately I’ve been spending quite a bit of time on Etsy looking for new and exciting things. I have my favorites that I check almost daily like Hansigurumi, Fuzzy Mitten, Soto Softies, Apple & Eve, and Crafty Alien. But I’ve been wondering, what are your favorite Etsy sellers? I am looking for interesting art, knitting or sewing patterns, craft supplies, or general whatever. So if there is an Etsy shop that you absolutely can’t get enough of, or if you have an Etsy shop that you’d like to show off, please tell me about it!