Kathryn Ivy

October 07, 2007 - Posted by Alice Schnebly

Nose or no nose? Who knows...

Thanks everyone for the nice comments on Zeke! I think he might be my favorite hedgie that I’ve ever made.

Jack-o-Spherey sans nose… do you think he looks pumpkin-y enough?Today I decided to start on another new quick project while I waited for the second hedgehog to dry after felting. I thought it would be fun to whip Camdyn up a cute Halloween themed toy since of course we’ve been surrounded with ghosts, witches, and all sorts of playthings every time we go to the store lately. I decided a sweet and cuddly Jack-o-Lantern would be perfect for her because that’s the part of Halloween she seems to like most!

I settled on Spherey as my pumpkin, and in my mind thought this would be the cutest thing ever… now I’m a bit unsure of how it looks so far. After knitting on the stem I thought it looked way to much like an orange and added a cute knitted curlicue. At first, I didn’t want to add a nose, but now I think it might need it to really make it look like a Jack-o-Lantern? I tried about a million different nose versions and I can’t seem to get it right. I need help… anyone got any ideas?

This is one thing that’s a bit deceiving about knitted toys… they’re so quick to knit, but when it comes to adding the facial features it takes me FOR-EV-ER. Just as long as the actual knitting! Well, I think I’m going to ponder the nose a bit more while I work on knitting some green arms and legs for this guy… I’d love to hear any suggestions you might have though!

I just can’t get the nose right!